
Thomas Cleenewerck is currently employed as a post-doc researcher at the Programming Technology Lab of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.  His research interests are situated in the field of modular language implementation design. More specifically, he focuses on the modularization of language semantics with non-local effects. Such non-local effects manifest themselves for example in concern-specific aspect languages and domain-specific languages. He has organized a workshop on Evolution and Reuse of Language Specifications for DSLs (ERLS) at ECOOP'04, co-organized the workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages at GPCE'06 and AOSD'07, is a PC member of the Programming Languages track of SAC from 2006 till present and is editor of the special issue of IET Software journal on Domain-specific Aspect Languages.

Johan Fabris an assistant professor at the computer science department of the University of Chile, in the PLEIAD laboratory. His main research interests are the use of AOSD in building distributed systems, the design and implementation of domain-specific aspect languages and the impact of DSALS on aspect composition and interaction. Further research interests include the design of pointcut languages and weaver implementations. He was co-organizer of the Workshops on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages at GPCE06 and AOSD07, co-organizer of the workshops on Aspects, Dependencies, and Interactions at ECOOP06 and ECOOP07, and is editor of the special issue "Dependencies and Interactions With Aspects" of the journal Transactions in Aspect-Oriented Software Development.

Anne-Francoise Le Meur is an assistant professor at the University of
Lille and a member of the INRIA project ADAM (previously Jacquard). She has been working on program specialization, and the design and development of domain-specific languages.  Her current work focuses mainly on the application of programming-language techniques to the problem of software component-based architecture evolution. She has co-organized the Domain-Specific Aspect Languages Workshop at GPCE'06 and AOSD07, and has recently served as PC member for GPCE'07, APGES'07 and PEPM'08.

Jacques Noyé has been an assistant professor at Ecole de Mines de Nantes since 1996. He is a member of OBASCO (OBjects, ASpects, and COmponents) a joint project of Ecole des Mines de Nantes and INRIA and participates in the European Network of Excellence on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD-Europe). His research interests include architecture programming languages (in particular component and aspect languages), and the adaptation and specialization of applications based on such languages, using techniques such as reflection and partial evaluation. He holds a European doctoral degree in computer science from the University of Rennes (France). He worked from 1985 to 1993 at the European Computer-Industry Research Centre in Munich on many aspects of Prolog implementation, in particular, hardware support, compilation, and parallelism. From 1994 to 1996, he was, within the Compose group at Irisa in Rennes, one of the main designers of Tempo, a partial evaluator for C.

Éric Tanter is assistant professor at the University of Chile, in the PLEIAD laboratory of the Computer Science Department. His research focuses on programming paradigms and languages for adaptable systems. This includes studying how language mechanisms, computational reflection, program transformation, and aspect-oriented programming can be leveraged to enhance the development of concurrent and distributed systems and tackle context awareness and adaptation. He co-organized several workshops on Aspect-Oriented Programming (ODAL at AOSD'06, DSAL at GPCE'06 and AOSD'07), as well as Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing (OT4AmI at ECOOP'06 and '07 and SEPS at ICPS'06). He served as PC member for SAC'06 and '07, NODe'06, Software Composition'07, DAIS'07 and '08 and TGC'07/. He is co-chair of SCCC'07 and Software Composition'08. He holds a PhD from the University of Nantes and University of Chile (2004) as well as a MSc from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2000).